5 Papers Accepted for Transducers 2019
The 5 papers have been accepted for presentation at Solid-State Sensors, Actuators and Microsystems (Transducers 2019) to be held in Berlin, Germany on June 23-27, 2019.
Y. Yu and M. Rinaldi, “Chip Scale Micro-acoustic Radio Frequency Gyrator”
B. Herrera, F. Pop, C. Cassella and M. Rinaldi, “AlN PMUT-Based Ultrasonic Power Transfer Links for Implantable Electronics”
F. Pop, B. Herrera, W. Zhu, M. Assylbekova, C. Cassella, N. McGruer, and M. Rinaldi, “Zero-Power Acoustic Wake-up Receiver Based on DMUT Transmitter, PMUT Arrays Receivers and MEMS Switches for Intrabody Links”
S. D. Calisgan, S. Kang, V. Rajaram, Z. Qian, M. Rinaldi, “Threshold-triggered MEMS-CMOS Infrared Resonant Detector with Near-Zero Standby Power Consumption”
G. Chen and M. Rinaldi, “Super High Frequency Lateral-Field Excited Aluminum Nitride Cross-sectional Lame Mode Resonators”.