The paper Z. Qian, Y. Hui, F. Liu, S. Kang, S. Kar and M. Rinaldi, “Graphene Aluminum Nitride NEMS Resonant Infrared Detector” has been accepted for publication in Microsystems & Nanoengineering.
Paper accepted for late news oral presentation at Hilton Head Workshop 2016
The paper Z. Qian, S. Kang, V. Rajaram and M. Rinaldi, “50 nm THICK ALUMINUM NITRIDE PIEZOELECTRIC NANO-PLATE RESONANT THERMAL DETECTORS” has been accepted for late news oral presentation at the 2016 Solid-State Sensors, Actuators and Microsystems Workshop (Hilton Head 2016), Hilton Head, June 5 – 9, 2016.
Paper accepted for publication in Nature Communications
The paper Y. Hui, J. S. Gomez-Diaz, Z. Qian, A. Alu and M. Rinaldi, “Plasmonic Piezoelectric Nanomechanical Resonator for Spectrally Selective Infrared Sensing” has been accepted for publication in Nature Communications.
Paper accepted for publication in EDL
The paper C. Cassella, G. Chen, Z. Qian, G. Hummel and M. Rinaldi, “Cross-Sectional Lame Mode Ladder Filters for UHF Wideband Applications” has been accepted for publication in the IEEE Electron Device Letters (EDL).
Papers accepted for presentation at Hilton Head Workshop 2016
The papers “920 MHz Aluminum Nitride Cross-Sectional Lamé Mode Piezoelectric MEMS Transformer with High Open-Circuit Voltage Gain in Excess of 39” and “Unprecedented Figure of Merit in Excess of 108 in 920 MHz Aluminum Nitride Cross-Sectional Lamé Mode Resonators Showing kt2 in Excess of 6.2%” authored by C. Cassella, G. Chen, Z. Qian, G. Hummel and M. Rinaldi have been accepted for presentation at the 2016 Solid-State Sensors, Actuators and Microsystems Workshop (Hilton Head 2016), Hilton Head, June 5 – 9, 2016.
Papers accepted for presentation at IFCS 2016
The paper Z. Qian, Y. Hui and M. Rinaldi “Effects of Volume Scaling in AlN Nano Plate Resonators on Quality Factor” and the paper G. Chen, C. Cassella, Z. Qian, G. Hummel and M. Rinaldi, “Aluminum Nitride Cross-Sectional Lamé Mode Resonators With 300 MHz Lithographic Tuning Capability and High kt2>4%” have been accepted for oral presentation at the 2016 IEEE International Frequency Control Symposium, to be held in New Orleans, Louisiana, USA from May 9-12, 2016.
Paper accepted for presentation at IMS 2016
The paper C. Cassella and M. Rinaldi, “Cross-Sectional Lamé Mode Contiguous Filters For Next-Generation LTE Advanced Platforms”, has been accepted for presentation at 2016 IEEE International Microwave Symposium (IMS 2016) to be held in San Francisco, California, 22-27 May 2016.
Research page update
We have recently updated our research page including an overview of our group’s work and detailed information of each project. Check it out – Research.
Gwendolyn on ECE Innovation Quarterly Spotlights
Gwendolyn was recently interviewed by ECE Innovation Quarterly Spotlights.
Paper accepted for publication in JMEMS
The paper C. Cassella, Y. Hui, Z. Qian, G. Hummel and M. Rinaldi, “Aluminum Nitride Cross-Sectional Lame Mode Resonators” has been accepted for publication in the IEEE/ASME Journal of Microelectromechanical Systems (JMEMS).
2015 Group Photo
We are excited to have many new members on board this year!
From left to right: Sungho (Ryan) Kang, Dr. Cristian Cassella, Vageeswar Rajaram, Zhenyun Qian, Prof. Matteo Rinaldi, Dr. Yu Hui, Gwendolyn Hummel, Guofeng Chen, Dr. Tao Wu.
(Taken on Oct. 27 in Northeastern campus)
Paper accepted for presentation at MEMS 2016
The paper C. Cassella, Z. Qian, G. Hummel, and M. Rinaldi, “1.02 GHz Aluminum Nitride Cross-Sectional Lame’ Mode Resonator with High kt2 Exceeding 4.6%” has been accepted for poster presentation at the 29th IEEE International Conference on Micro Electro Mechanical Systems (MEMS 2016) to be held on January 24 – 28, 2016 in Shanghai, China.
Paper accepted for publication in JMEMS
The paper G. Hummel, Y. Hui, and M. Rinaldi, “Reconfigurable Piezoelectric MEMS Resonator using Phase Change Material Programmable Vias” has been accepted for publication in IEEE/ASME Journal of Microelectromechanical Systems (JMEMS).
Gwendolyn passed her thesis defense
Gwendolyn successfully defended her Master’s thesis “Monolithic Integration of Phase Change Materials and Aluminum Nitride Contour-Mode Resonators to Enable Reconfigurable Resonators” on July 24 2015. Her committee members are: Prof. Matteo Rinaldi, Prof. Nicol McGruer, and Prof. Marvin Onabajo. She will continue to pursue her PhD degree here at Northeastern.
Matteo receives IEEE Sensors Council 2015 Early Career Award
Matteo has been selected as the recipient of the IEEE Sensors Council 2015 Early Career (Young Professional) Award “for outstanding contributions to novel multi-functional piezoelectric micro and nano electro mechanical resonant sensors”. The IEEE Sensors Council Young Professional Award is given annually to promote, recognize, and support contributions from young professional members within the fields of interest of the IEEE Sensors Council.
Eric passed his thesis defense
Eric successfully defended his Master’s thesis “Analysis of the Combined Mode Resonance in Aluminum Nitride MEMS Resonators” on July 20 2015. His committee members are: Prof. Matteo Rinaldi, Stephen Bart, and Prof. Marvin Onabajo.
Paper accepted for presentation at IEEE Sensors 2015
The paper Z. Qian, Y. Hui, F. Liu, S. Kar and M. Rinaldi, Chemical Sensing Based on Graphene-Aluminum Nitride Nano Plate Resonators, has been accepted for Lecture presentation at IEEE Sensors 2015, to be held in Busan, South Korea from November 1-4, 2015.
Outstanding Paper Award at Transducers 2015
Zhenyun holding the award certificate with Prof. Rinaldi at Dena’ina Convention Center, Anchorage, AK. June 25, 2015
The paper Z. Qian, Y. Hui, F. Liu, S. Kar and M. Rinaldi, 1.27 GHz Graphene-Aluminum Nitride Nano Plate Resonant Infrared Detector has been honored as a winner of the Outstanding Paper Award at the 18th International Conference on Solid-State Sensors, Actuators and Microsystems (Transducers 2015) on June 21-25, 2015 in Anchorage, Alaska, USA.
Paper accepted for publication in Nano Letters
The paper Z. Qian, F. Liu, Y. Hui, S. Kar and M. Rinaldi, Graphene as a Massless Electrode for Ultra-high-frequency Piezoelectric Nano Electro Mechanical Systems has been accepted for publication in Nano Letters.
Yu Hui passed his dissertation defense
Yu successfully defended his PhD dissertation “Aluminum Nitride Piezoelectric Microelectromechanical Resonant Physical Sensors” on April 24 2015. He will join Vesper as a senior MEMS design engineer starting from this summer.
Congratulations and good luck at Vesper!
Vageeswar passed his thesis defense
Vageeswar successfully defended his Master’s thesis “Uncooled MEMS IR Sensors for Miniaturized and Low Power Spectroscopy” on April 24 2015. He will continue to pursue his PhD degree here at Northeastern starting from this fall.
Best Student Paper Award at IEEE IFCS 2015
The paper G. Hummel and M. Rinaldi, Switchable 2-Port Aluminum Nitride MEMS Resonator Using Monolithically Integrated 3.6THz Cut-Off Frequency Phase-Change Switches has been selected as Best Student Paper at the 2015 Joint Conference of the IEEE International Frequency Control Symposium & European Frequency and Time Forum (IFCS 2015) on April 12-16, 2015 in Denver, Colorado, USA.
2015 NSF Graduate Research Fellowship
Gwendolyn Hummel has been awarded the 2015 National Science Foundation (NSF) Graduate Research Fellowship Program (GRFP) Fellowship. (Link)
Papers accepted for presentation at IEEE IFCS 2015
The paper Z. Qian, Y. Hui, F. Liu, S. Kar and M. Rinaldi, GHz Range Graphene-Aluminum Nitride Nano Plate Resonators, the paper Y. Hui, Z. Qian and M. Rinaldi, Resonant Infrared Detector Based on a Piezoelectric Fishnet Metasurface and the paper G. Hummel and M. Rinaldi, Switchable 2-Port Aluminum Nitride MEMS Resonator Using Monolithically Integrated 3.6THz Cut-Off Frequency Phase-Change Switches have been accepted for oral presentation, at the 2015 Joint Conference of the IEEE International Frequency Control Symposium & European Frequency and Time Forum (IFCS 2015) to be held on April 12-16, 2015 in Denver, Colorado, USA.
All the three papers have been nominated for best student paper award! Cheers!!
Papers accepted for presentation in Transducers 2015
The paper G. Hummel, Y. Hui and M. Rinaldi, Highly Reconfigurable Aluminum Nitride MEMS Resonator Using 12 Monolithically Integrated Phase Change Material Switches, and the paper Z. Qian, Y. Hui, F. Liu, S. Kar and M. Rinaldi, 1.27 GHz Graphene-Aluminum Nitride Nano Plate Resonant Infrared Detector have been accepted for Oral and Poster presentation, respectively, in the 18th International Conference on Solid-State Sensors, Actuators and Microsystems (Transducers 2015) to be held on June 21-25, 2015 in Anchorage, Alaska.
Papers accepted for presentation in GOMACTech 2015
The paper Gwendolyn Hummel, Yu Hui, and Matteo Rinaldi, Switching and Reconfiguration of Aluminum Nitride RF MEMS Resonators Using Phase Change Materials has been accepted for oral presentation, in the 40th Annual GOMACTech Conference to be held on March 23-26, 2015 in St. Louis, MO, USA.
Yukang passed his thesis defense
Yukang successfully defended his Master’s thesis “Tunable Meta-material absorber design with Aluminum Nitride micro actuator and split ring resonators” on July 9 2014. He will continue to pursue his PhD degree at The University of Virginia starting from this fall.
Congratulations and good luck at Charlottesville!
Raul passed his thesis defense
Raul Vyas successfully defended his Master’s thesis “ALUMINUM NITRIDE MEMS RESONANT THERMAL BIOSENSORS” on June 23 2014. He will continue to pursue his PhD degree at Duke University starting from this fall.
Congratulations and good luck at Duke!
Paper accepted for oral presentation in IEEE SENSORS 2014
The paper Z. Qian, R. Vyas, Y. Hui and M. Rinaldi, “High Resolution Calorimetric Sensing based on Aluminum Nitride MEMS Resonant Thermal Detectors” has been accepted for lecture presentation at IEEE SENSORS 2014, to be held in Valencia, Spain from November 2-5, 2014.
Paper accepted for oral presentation in 2014 IEEE IUS
The paper G. Hummel, Y. Hui and M. Rinaldi, “Reconfigurable Mode of Vibration in AlN MEMS Resonators Using Phase Change Materials” has been accepted as oral presentation during the 2014 IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium (IUS), Chicago, Illinois, September 3-6, 2014.
Paper accepted for publication in JMEMS
The paper Y. Hui, T. Nan, N. X. Sun, and M. Rinaldi, “High Resolution Magnetometer based on a High Frequency Magnetoelectric MEMS-CMOS Oscillator” has been accepted for publication in IEEE/ASME Journal of Microelectromechanical Systems (JMEMS).
Matteo receives the NSF CAREER award
Matteo has received the Faculty Early Career Development (CAREER) award from the National Science Foundation (NSF)!
The Faculty Early Career Development (CAREER) Program is a Foundation-wide activity that offers the National Science Foundation’s most prestigious awards in support of junior faculty who exemplify the role of teacher-scholars through outstanding research, excellent education and the integration of education and research within the context of the mission of their organizations. Such activities should build a firm foundation for a lifetime of leadership in integrating education and research.
The award comes with $400,000 in funding over a five-year period.
Best Student Paper Finalists in IEEE IFCS 2014
The paper Y. Hui, T. Nan, N. Sun and M. Rinaldi Ultra-Sensitive Magnetic Field Sensor Based on a Low-Noise Magnetoelectric MEMS-CMOS Oscillator, the paper G. Hummel Y. Hui and M. Rinaldi Phase Change Material Programmable Vias for Switching and Reconfiguration of Aluminum Nitride Piezoelectric MEMS Resonators have been selected as finalists of the Best Student Paper in 2014 IEEE International Frequency Control Symposium to be held on May 19-22, 2014 in Taipei, Taiwan.
Papers accepted for presentation at Hilton Head Workshop 2014
The paper G. Hummel, Y. Hui, Z. Qian and M. Rinaldi, Switchable Aluminum Nitride MEMS Resonator Using Phase Change Materials and the paper Y. Hui, Z. Qian, G. Hummel and M. Rinaldi, Pico-Watts Range Uncooled Infrared Detector Based on a Freestanding Piezoelectric Resonant Microplate with Nanoscale Metal Anchors both have been accepted for presentation at the 2014 Solid-State Sensors, Actuators and Microsystems Workshop (Hilton Head 2014), Hilton Head Island, 8-12 June 2014.
Papers accepted for oral presentation in IEEE IFCS 2014
The paper Y. Hui, T. Nan, N. Sun and M. Rinaldi Ultra-Sensitive Magnetic Field Sensor Based on a Low-Noise Magnetoelectric MEMS-CMOS Oscillator, the paper G. Hummel Y. Hui and M. Rinaldi Phase Change Material Programmable Vias for Switching and Reconfiguration of Aluminum Nitride Piezoelectric MEMS Resonators have been accepted for Oral presentation in 2014 IEEE International Frequency Control Symposium (IFCS) to be held on May 19-22, 2014 in Taipei, Taiwan.
Zhenyun passed his thesis defense
Zhenyun successfully defended his Master’s thesis “Graphene-Aluminum Nitride Nano Plate Resonators” on August 1st. He will receive the Master of Science’s Degree in Electrical and Computer Engineering (MSECE) on August 29, 2013. Congratulations!
Paper accepted in Scientific Reports
The paper T. Nan*, Y. Hui*, M. Rinaldi and N. X. Sun Self-Biased 215MHz Magnetoelectric NEMS Resonator for Ultra-Sensitive DC Magnetic Field Detection has been accepted for publication in Scientific Reports.
Outstanding Teaching Assistant Award
Yu Hui received the College of Engineering Outstanding Teaching Assistant Award in 2013 Graduation Reception & Student Awards Ceremony on May 2nd. Congratulations!
Best Student Paper Finalist in 2013 IEEE UFFC joint symposia
The paper Y. Hui, Z. Qian and M. Rinaldi A 2.8 GHz Combined Mode of Vibration Aluminum Nitride MEMS Resonator with High Figure of Merit Exceeding 45 has been selected as finalist of Best Student Paper in 2013 IEEE International Frequency Control Symposium – European Frequency and Time Forum (IFCS-EFTF) conference which will be part of the 2013 Joint UFFC, EFTF, and PFM Symposium to be held on July 22-25, 2013 in Prague Conventioon Center, Prague, Czech Republic. Congratulations!
Papers accepted for Oral presentation in 2013 IEEE UFFC joint symposia
The paper Y. Hui, Z. Qian and M. Rinaldi A 2.8 GHz Combined Mode of Vibration Aluminum Nitride MEMS Resonator with High Figure of Merit Exceeding 45, the paper Y. Hui and M. Rinaldi Aluminum Nitride Nano-Plate Resonant Infrared Sensor with Self-Sustained CMOS Oscillator for Nano-Watts Range Power Detection and the paper Z. Qian, Y. Hui, F. Liu, S. Kar and M. Rinaldi Single Transistor Oscillator Based on a Graphene-Aluminum Nitride Nano Plate Resonator all have been accepted for Oral presentation in 2013 IEEE UFFC joint symposia to be held on July 22-25, 2013 in Prague Conventioon Center, Prague, Czech Republic.
Paper accepted in Applied Physics Letters
The paper Y. Hui and M. Rinadi Fast and High Resolution Thermal Detector Based on an Aluminum Nitride Piezoelectric Microelectromechanical Resonator with an Integrated Suspended Heat Absorbing Element has been accepted for publication in Applied Physics Letters.
Transducers 2013 Papers Accepted for Presentation
The paper Z. Qian, Y. Hui, F. Liu, S. Kar and M. Rinaldi 245 MHz Graphene-Aluminum Nitride Nano Plate Resonator and the paper Y. Hui and M. Rinaldi High Performance NEMS Resonant Infrared Detector Based on an Aluminum Nitride Nano Plate Resonator, both have been accepted for presentation at the Transducers 2013 & Eurosensors XXVII, Barcelona, Spain, June 16-20, 2013.
IEEE MEMS 2013 Outstanding Paper Finalist
The paper Y. Hui, T. Nan, N. X. Sun and M. Rinaldi, MEMS Resonant Magnetic Field Sensor Based on an AlN/FeGaB Bilayer Nano-Plate Resonator, was nominated Outstanding Poster Paper at the IEEE MEMS 2013 conference, Taipei, Taiwan, 20-24 January 2013. Congratulations!
We are on ECE annual report
The ECE annual report of 2012 has been published: Download ECE annual report
Our group is introduced by the article entitled “DARPA Award: New infrared sensor technology” at page 3.
Check it out!
IEEE MEMS 2013 Paper Accepted for Presentation
The paper Y. Hui, T. Nan, N. X. Sun and M. Rinaldi, MEMS Resonant Magnetic Field Sensor Based on an AlN/FeGaB Bilayer Nano-Plate Resonator, has been accepted for presentation at the IEEE MEMS 2013 conference, Taipei, Taiwan, 20-24 January 2013.